Ami Planet is a 100% Italian company - it is a combination of the well-known Italian creativity and of the world-famous Made in Italy quality.In 2002 envisioning a 100% plant-based pet food company was groundbreaking.Developing the first Ami pet food compositions, identifying the raw materials and necessary supplements, finding distributors, testing industrial feasibility and verifying nutritional parameters after the ingredients had gone through the extruder to become kibble took almost two years, both from a scientific and an industrial point of view.During that time, the pet food industry needed to be educated about this new concept, and so did the market.If it's true that Ami was the first company in the world to meet the ethical needs of vegans and vegetarians who owned pets, then it is also true that the general culture of the pet food market and of all pet owners still needed to grow in terms of awareness and profoundness.Ami found its first clients, not coincidentally, in markets that were more culturally conscious and more open to the plant-based world such as the German, North American and Asian markets.More than two decades have passed from Ami's founding, and finally the global culture and market have evolved and are steering towards sustainability, green initiatives, plant-based and cruelty free products more and more everyday. Ami prides itself in being a pioneer of such concepts.Despite pertaining to the vegan and vegetarian niche market, Ami's products are capturing an ever-growing share in the "traditional" pet food market, after numerous scientific studies and twenty years of experience have demonstrated how plant-based nutrition for cats and dogs is valid and healthy, even to those who were the most skeptical. Today, Ami Planet exists in around 30 countries and markets.Ami's objectives are growing in traditional pet food markets, expanding in markets it is not currently present in, and continuing its business approach and product ranges that not only represent commercial, ethical and healthy choices for our pets, but also a lifestyle.